A Mobile App that Makes You Human

Human Mode: disconnect to get connected

Special Collections: DISCONNECT TO CONNECT

Photo:Human Mode

The irony of smartphones is that with the promise of non-stop communication - emails, text messages, Facebook alerts and the like - they leave us disconnected: from the all-important here-and-now and from the people around us. While the addiction may seem nearly impossible to shake off, all is not lost; a new application is here to help you -Human Mode.
So, how does it work? After entering a session length, and firing up the app, calls, messages, emails and all other internet-based notifications will be deactivated. Before you freak out – you can quit the app at any time, and you can also set important contacts to break through Human Mode. When your session is over, you'll get a full summary of everything that went down on your device while you were off interacting with the real world.
Developed by students at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya's Media Lab project, the app is nowavailable for free on Google Play. Give it a go and remember what it's like to be human again – at least for a little while. [Source:Human Mode]

Special Collection