6 Super Benefits of Eating Sweet Potatoes

这个橙色的蔬菜装螺母rition and wellness.

This bright orange vegetable is bursting with health benefits.

(goldenjack / Shutterstock.com)

Sweet potatoes aren’t just a tasty Thanksgiving dinner side dish. These orange, white, or purple root vegetables are chock full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. According toTIME, sweet potatoes contain all the healthy benefits of regular potatoes with something extra.

These nutritional gems are grown all over the world and available fresh or canned. When buying sweet potatoes, pick out the ones with the most vibrant colors because thedarker the color, the higher the nutritional content.

Sweet potatoes are very easy to cook, just steam, roast, boil, or bake. You can serve the veggie whole in the skin, sliced, mashed, or incorporated into many different healthy dishes and some sweetholiday recipestoo. Add sweet potatoes to your diet and reap these six super health benefits.

Highly Nutritional

Sweet potatoes are a super source ofVitamins A, C, and B6 as well as an excellent source of protein, dietary fiber, manganese, potassium, pantothenic acid, and copper, according toHealthline. The orange – the most common – and purple varieties are rich in carotenoids – an antioxidant – that protect your body from free radicals and the damage they cause to your cells.

Homemade baked sweet potatoes.

(Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock.com)

Promotes Digestive Health

The fiber (soluble and insoluble) and antioxidants contained in sweet potatoes are good forgut health. Both types of fiber cannot be digested and remain in your digestive tract and this helps prevent constipation. But fiber rich diets, Healthline suggests, may also have the additional benefit of lowering your risk of colon cancer.

A 2018studyfound that the antioxidants found in sweet potatoes help promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria that may lower the risk of IBS and infections.

Stuffed sweet potatoes with feta and kale are full of fiber.

(Magdanatka / Shutterstock.com)

May Help Heart Health

Potassium rich sweet potatoes may aid in regulatingblood pressureby reducing sodium in the blood, according to TIME. This in turn helps to maintain heart health. But there’s more, sweet potatoes could help you lower your LDT or bad cholesterol levels.

Purple sweet potato slices.

(HelloSSTK / Shutterstock.com)

Good for Diabetics

While high-carbohydrate foods can be problematic for diabetics, according toSFGATE, this is not the case for sweet potatoes because the nutritional compounds found in this root vegetable could help to control blood sugar. In fact, a one-third cup serving of sweet potatoes contains a large amount of dietary fiber which doesn’t raise blood sugar whatsoever. Sticking to small portions of the orange spuds and balancing meals with proteins are the key to controlling blood sugar spikes.

Mashed sweet potatoes are healthier than regular potatoes.

(AS Food studio / Shutterstock.com)

May Boost Your Immune System

The beta carotene which gives sweet potatoes the bright orange color, is converted intovitamin Ain your body. This vitamin is crucial for a healthy immune system, explains Healthline, and sweet potatoes contain more than 100 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin A.

This same vitamin aids in gut health and that plays an important role in your overall health. Astudyfound that vitamin A deficiencies increase intestinal inflammation and reduce the body’s antibody responses. Adding this essential vitamin helps to reduce gut inflammation and restore antibody responses.

Sweet potato fries are a tasty treat.

(Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock.com)

Aids Eye Health and Vision

The beta carotene found In sweet potatoes is called the “color of health” byWake Internal Medicine Consultants. That’s because vitamin A helps to prevent dry eyes, reduce eye infections, and aid in night vision.

Add sweet potatoes to a healthy salad.

(Nina Firsova / Shutterstock.com)